About the Association

The Dartmouth Tennis Association was formed in November 2023 when 97 of us joined together to secure agreement with the Dartmouth Town Council for regular weekly sessions at Coronation Park tennis courts.
We are an association of local tennis players and supporters rather than a fee-paying club and our simple constitution is set out below.
Our purpose: is to promote community participation in tennis as a healthy and enjoyable activity by:
supporting regular weekly tennis sessions
organising the annual Regatta Tennis Tournament and other events
advising and negotiating with the Dartmouth Town Council in order to improve the participation, safety and enjoyment of tennis players.
Membership: we are an association of local tennis players and our membership is free. We welcome all ages and abilities. Anyone who plays or supports tennis at Coronation Park in Dartmouth. Please contact us at: Dartmouth Tennis Association if you want to join.
Weekly Groups: The weekly tennis groups agreed with the Town Council are allocated on the ClubSpark booking schedule and each is run by a Tennis Coordinator - details here:
These groups provide a good mix of abilities and ages playing doubles tennis and members can ask to join any group but some have waiting lists and they may need to sign up as a reserve. Most groups organise themselves by email. Members can of course set up their own matches via ClubSpark here.
Regatta Tennis Tournament and other events: Every year in August we will organise and run the Regatta Tennis Tournament (consisting of a Closed and Open section) seeking strong volunteer support and a good entry. More details here. We will also run a number of smaller events, in support of charities or working with other organisations in Dartmouth.
Representing Tennis in Dartmouth: Dartmouth Town Council is responsible for the maintenance and the upkeep of the courts and their bookings. Members of the Association are recommended to buy annual passes for the courts. The Council can be contacted on: 01803 832281 or email:reception@dartmouthtowncouncil.gov.uk. If you have a safeguarding or welfare concern, then please contact their Welfare Officer on 01803 832281.
As players and organisers we work under the umbrella of the LTA and their code of conduct is here.. We will make recommendations to the Town Council on how the venue can best make use of LTA initiatives and abide by its standards: particularly on safeguarding, court maintenance, marketing, pricing and booking. We will also work with the Town Council to improve facilities such as shelter and floodlighting.
Organisation: The Association is currently managed by: Alistair Forbes (co-Chair), Deb Penn (co-Chair), Colin Raven (Treasurer), Peter Avis (Secretary), Andrew Davis (Website) Sally Clarke, Phil Braakenburg, Patrick Hinde, John Bretherton, Craig Davidson.
The Regatta Tennis Committee: is a sub-committee of the Dartmouth Tennis Association who work with, and as part of, the annual Port of Dartmouth Royal Regatta in order to organise its tennis competitions each year. The Committee currently consists of Alistair Forbes (Tournament Director), Deb Penn, Colin Raven, Peter Avis, Andrew Davis, Patrick Hinde, Phil Braakenburg (Referee for the Closed Tournament), and Beth Scorer (Referee for the Open Tournament). .

Dartmouth Tennis and Regatta Support: We depend on the support of many others; Sally Clarke, Pam Braakenburg, Yvonne Cottam, Sue Manley, Kaye Cowley, Katy Barwell, Vivienne Dunne, Juliet Mason-Jones, Louise Furbank and the many who support the Regatta Tennis Tournament and its Tea Tent.
The management group will meet regularly and at the end of each calendar year members will receive a report of the year's activities and will be asked to elect the organising group. We are always looking for new organisers and supporters so please contact us at Please email us at: Dartmouth Tennis Club if you need further help or information. if you want to volunteer.
Formation of Association
Dartmouth Tennis Association was formed in November 2023 when 97 of us joined together to secure agreement with the Dartmouth Town Council for regular weekly sessions at Coronation Park tennis courts.
The Minutes of the Council Assets Committee of December 18th read: TO DISCUSS AND RESOLVE THE USE OF RECURRING BOOKINGS ON COUNCIL OWNED TENNIS COURTS The Properties Officer asked if Cllrs had read his report on this agenda item. Cllrs discussed the options available and after listening to members of the public Cllrs decided to continue with the current booking system. Proposed: Cllr Rowley Seconded: Cllr Moseley Resolved: To leave the block bookings in place and change the block bookings name to Dartmouth Tennis Association. Unanimous vote carried. These were ratified at the full Council meeting on January 8th. without discussion.
Alan Rimmell, Alison Bull, Alison Timms, Alistair Forbes, Andrew Davis, Andy Clark, Ann Marie Swart, Anne Taylor, Anne Woodward, Annie Norton, Archie Mesgian, Aroop Mozumder, Beth Scorer, Bill May, Bob Tyrell, Carol Lingard, Caroline Wigley, Caryn Yates, Chris Smith, Chris Tonkin, Christine Scott, Clare Luscombe, Clare Pridmore, Colin Raven, Craig Davidson, David Hackford, David Parker, Deborah Lord, Deborah Penn, Derek Berra, Edward Jephson, Eva Harrison, Frankie Davidson, Georgina Parker, Graham Buckel, Harry Franks, Helen Hodge, Helen Jacob, Irene Collins, Jayne Turner, Jim Hassan, John Bretherton, John Collins, John Hodge, Jon Preston, Jonathan Shribman, Julie Elliott, Julie Gordan, Julie Moores, Julie Rogers, Juliet Mason-Jones, Karen Davis, Kate Jones, Kate Watson, Katy Barwell, Kaye Cowley, Keith Williams, Ken Johnson, Leo Whittington, Linda Raven, Lindsay Ellwood, Louise Furbank, Mags Wilmshurst, Margaret Bailey, Maria Avis, Marion Foster, Mark Jessep, Martin Clive-Smith, Maureen Preece, Nicholas Smith, Nicole van der Eyden, Pam Braakenburg, Patrick Hinde, Paul Tucker, Peter Avis, Peter Gardner, Peter Gerrard and wife, Peter Verow, Phil Braakenburg, Philippa Franks, Richard Hawke, Richard Johnston, Richard Turner, Robert Brooke, Rosie Clive-Smith, Ross Pridmore, Sally Clarke, Sharon Thomas, Sheila Shribman, Soo Forbes, Spencer Wigley, Stephen Yates, Steve Cairns, Steve Jones, Stuart Duke, Sue Black, Sue Preston, Susan Elias Jones, Susan Manley, Tom Harrison, Tracey Bridgwood, Vivienne Dunne, Yvonne Cottam (members to date and others are welcome - Please contact us at: Dartmouth Tennis Association if you want to join.